Our Services

How can we help you


Our Services

We Build High Quality Website Solutions

At Soundside Media, we build strong, cohesive and compelling brands. Our ultimate goal is to create strategic solutions sell ideas, shape perceptions and influence decisions.  The landscape of marketing is changing as we know it. Technology is moving at a rapid pace and businesses are faced with the challenge of keeping up or getting left behind. We help our clients leverage the power of technology to connect their brands in a better way.


The Complete Package

With each and every website project, we utilize a proven process to ensure that we build a product that is exceptional. Our web process focuses on four key areas of web development.



Beautiful Design

If you want to make a good first impression, you need a design that conveys professionalism and credibility right from the start. At Soundside, our sites are designed by designers, not programmers. That’s right, seasoned designers who are professionally trained in graphic design, color theory, balance and proportions, typography and other such crafty things. It is what makes our sites stand out from the crowd.



Intuitive User Interface

It’s a fancy title, but when you break it down, it simply means something you don’t have to think about. Make the website so easy that anybody can use it, regardless of their computer experience. As part of the design process, we spend a great deal of time defining how a site will work from an interactivity standpoint. We look at the desired outcome and the easiest, most logical way to get there. This leads to a solution that’s amazingly easy to use. It’s what separates the great sites from all the others.



Mobility with Responsive Web Design

Usage on mobile devices is skyrocketing. Being mobile friendly is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. At Soundside, we bring mobility to our sites with smart programming known as responsive web design. With this feature, your site will automatically adjust to the device based on the size of the screen. No pinching or zooming is necessary. No matter what the device, your website content is very readable, images are crisp and everything is balanced.



Website Optimization

Responsive web design is recommended by Google, it allows one website to provide a great user-experience across many devices and screen sizes, and it also makes managing your SEO strategy easier.  This is because responsive design sites have one URL and the same HTML, regardless of device, which makes it easier and more efficient for Google to crawl, index, and organize content.  For these reasons, responsive web design is the best option for your mobile SEO strategy.